5 Ways to Use AI Chatbots in the Enterprise Now

Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots are fast becoming a critical enterprise tool for businesses looking to improve efficiency and better serve customers and employees. In the “old days” i.e. about three or four years ago (!) deploying enterprise AI tools required the efforts of data scientists working with your IT team to develop custom software. Today, by leveraging the power of modern Large Language Models (LLMs), these same tools can be deployed quickly and securely at a fraction of the cost.

Here are 5 ways that AI chatbots can be implemented today by businesses to immediately maximize value.

1. Automate Repetitive Tasks

One of the biggest benefits of AI chatbots is their ability to automate repetitive, low-value tasks. This could include anything from scheduling meetings to processing claims. By handing these tasks off to a chatbot, employees can focus on more strategic work. For example, an insurance firm could use AI chatbots to automate 80% of their claims processing.

2. Provide 24/7 Self-Service

Chatbots enable "always-on" customer and employee support. Rather than relying on human agents only available during business hours, chatbots can address common questions at any time of day. For example, an e-commerce retailer implemented a chatbot on its website to handle common customer service queries, reducing call volume by 30%.

3. Integrate with Enterprise Systems

With the right integrations, chatbots can quickly retrieve information to address employee and customer queries across existing enterprise data and systems. This could include linking into CRM, ERP, or document management systems.

Finding What’s Needed Now

A recent Gartner study found that about half of digital workers struggle to find the information needed to effectively perform their jobs.

AI can give employees ‘super powers’ to find exactly what they need by simply typing in natural language queries.

4. Leverage Natural Language Capabilities

One of the key advantages of AI chatbots is the ability to understand natural language questions. This provides a more intuitive interface for users to get information quickly. Make sure to train chatbots on industry lingo and terminology so they can converse with users naturally. An accounting firm trained its chatbot to understand common accounting terms, allowing it to answer tax and reporting questions easily.

5. Start Small and Iterate

Don't try to build a chatbot that can handle every question right away. Start with a focused use case like FAQs or order status checks. Monitor chatbot usage and continue adding capabilities over time. The goal is continuous improvement through real user feedback. For example, a retailer started with an inventory lookup chatbot and eventually expanded it to handle returns processing as well.

In summary, AI chatbots can drive immense efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, providing always-on support, integrating with enterprise systems, leveraging natural language, and iterating based on user feedback. Follow these tips to ensure your enterprise AI chatbot initiatives deliver strong ROI.

Contact our team today to learn how AI chatbots can be deployed in your business today!


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